Tuesday 6 October 2015



Normally, when I meet an atheist, the first thing I like to do is to congratulate him and say, " My special congratulations to you", because most of the people who believe in God are doing blind belief - he is a Christian, because his father is a Christian; he is a Hindu, because his father is a Hindu; the majority of the people in the world are blindly following the religion of their fathers. An atheist, on the other hand, even though he may belong to a religious family, uses his intellect to deny the existence of God; what ever concept or qualities of God he may have learnt in his religion may not seem to be logical to him.

My Muslim brothers may question me, "Zakir, why are you congratulating an atheist?" The reason that I am congratulating an atheist is because he agrees with the first part of the Shahada i.e. the Islamic Creed, ‘La ilaaha’ - meaning ‘there is no God’.
So half my job is already done; now the only part left is ‘il lallah’ i.e. ‘BUT ALLAH’ which I shall do Insha Allah. With others (who are not atheists) I have to first remove from their minds the wrong concept of God they may have and then put the correct concept of one true God.

My first question to the atheist will be: "What is the definition of God?" For a person to say there is no God, he should know what is the meaning of God. If I hold a book and say that ‘this is a pen’, for the opposite person to say, ‘it is not a pen’, he should know what is the definition of a pen, even if he does not know nor is able to recognise or identify the object I am holding in my hand. For him to say this is not a pen, he should at least know what a pen means. Similarly for an atheist to say ‘there is no God’, he should at least know the concept of God. His concept of God would be derived from the surroundings in which he lives. The god that a large number of people worship has got human qualities - therefore he does not believe in such a god. Similarly a Muslim too does not and should not believe in such false gods.

If a non-Muslim believes that Islam is a merciless religion with something to do with terrorism; a religion which does not give rights to women; a religion which contradicts science; in his limited sense that non-Muslim is correct to reject such Islam. The problem is he has a wrong picture of Islam. Even I reject such a false picture of Islam, but at the same time, it becomes my duty as a Muslim to present the correct picture of Islam to that non-Muslim i.e. Islam is a merciful religion, it gives equal rights to the women, it is not incompatible with logic, reason and science; if I present the correct facts about Islam, that non-Muslim may Inshallah accept Islam.

Similarly the atheist rejects the false gods and the duty of every Muslim is to present the correct concept of God which he shall Insha Allah not refuse.

(You may refer to my article, ‘Concept of God in Islam’, for more details)


The methods of proving the existence of God with usage of the material provided in the ‘Concept of God in Islam’ to an atheist may satisfy some but not all.

Many atheists demand a scientific proof for the existence of God. I agree that today is the age of science and technology. Let us use scientific knowledge to kill two birds with one stone, i.e. to prove the existence of God and simultaneously prove that the Qur’an is a revelation of God.

If a new object or a machine, which no one in the world has ever seen or heard of before, is shown to an atheist or any person and then a question is asked, " Who is the first person who will be able to provide details of the mechanism of this unknown object? After little bit of thinking, he will reply, ‘the creator of that object.’ Some may say ‘the producer’ while others may say ‘the manufacturer.’ What ever answer the person gives, keep it in your mind, the answer will always be either the creator, the producer, the manufacturer or some what of the same meaning, i.e. the person who has made it or created it. Don’t grapple with words, whatever answer he gives, the meaning will be same, therefore accept it.


In mathematics there is a theory known as ‘Theory of Probability’. If you have two options, out of which one is right, and one is wrong, the chances that you will chose the right one is half, i.e. one out of the two will be correct. You have 50% chances of being correct. Similarly if you toss a coin the chances that your guess will be correct is 50% (1 out of 2) i.e. 1/2. If you toss a coin the second time, the chances that you will be correct in the second toss is again 50% i.e. half. But the chances that you will be correct in both the tosses is half multiplied by half (1/2 x 1/2) which is equal to 1/4 i.e. 50% of 50% which is equal to 25%. If you toss a coin the third time, chances that you will be correct all three times is (1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2) that is 1/8 or 50% of 50% of 50% that is 12½%.

A dice has got six sides. If you throw a dice and guess any number between 1 to 6, the chances that your guess will be correct is 1/6. If you throw the dice the second time, the chances that your guess will be correct in both the throws is (1/6 x 1/6) which is equal to 1/36. If you throw the dice the third time, the chances that all your three guesses are correct is (1/6 x 1/6 x 1/6) is equal to 1/216 that is less than 0.5 %.

Let us apply this theory of probability to the Qur’an, and assume that a person has guessed all the information that is mentioned in the Qur’an which was unknown at that time. Let us discuss the probability of all the guesses being simultaneously correct.

At the time when the Qur’an was revealed, people thought the world was flat, there are several other options for the shape of the earth. It could be triangular, it could be quadrangular, pentagonal, hexagonal, heptagonal, octagonal, spherical, etc. Lets assume there are about 30 different options for the shape of the earth. The Qur’an rightly says it is spherical, if it was a guess the chances of the guess being correct is 1/30.

The light of the moon can be its own light or a reflected light. The Qur’an rightly says it is a reflected light. If it is a guess, the chances that it will be correct is 1/2 and the probability that both the guesses i.e the earth is spherical and the light of the moon is reflected light is 1/30 x 1/2 = 1/60.

Further, the Qur’an also mentions every living thing is made of water. Every living thing can be made up of either wood, stone, copper, aluminum, steel, silver, gold, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, oil, water, cement, concrete, etc. The options are say about 10,000. The Qur’an rightly says that everything is made up of water. If it is a guess, the chances that it will be correct is 1/10,000 and the probability of all the three guesses i.e. the earth is spherical, light of moon is reflected light and everything is created from water being correct is 1/30 x 1/2 x 1/10,000 = 1/60,000 which is equal to about .0017%.

The Qur’an speaks about hundreds of things that were not known to men at the time of its revelation. Only in three options the result is .0017%. I leave it upto you, to work out the probability if all the hundreds of the unknown facts were guesses, the chances of all of them being correct guesses simultaneously and there being not a single wrong guess. It is beyond human capacity to make all correct guesses without a single mistake, which itself is sufficient to prove to a logical person that the origin of the Qur’an is Divine.


The only logical answer to the question as to who could have mentioned all these scientific facts 1400 years ago before they were discovered, is exactly the same answer initially given by the atheist or any person, to the question who will be the first person who will be able to tell the mechanism of the unknown object. It is the ‘CREATOR’, the producer, the Manufacturer of the whole universe and its contents. In the English language He is ‘God’, or more appropriate in the Arabic language, ‘ALLAH’.


Let me remind you that the Qur’an is not a book of Science, ‘S-C-I-E-N-C-E’ but a book of Signs ‘S-I-G-N-S’ i.e. a book of ayaats. The Qur’an contains more than 6,000 ayaats, i.e. ‘signs’, out of which more than a thousand speak about Science. I am not trying to prove that the Qur’an is the word of God using scientific knowledge as a yard stick because any yardstick is supposed to be more superior than what is being checked or verified. For us Muslims the Qur’an is the Furqan i.e. criteria to judge right from wrong and the ultimate yardstick which is more superior to scientific knowledge.

But for an educated man who is an atheist, scientific knowledge is the ultimate test which he believes in. We do know that science many a times takes ‘U’ turns, therefore I have restricted the examples only to scientific facts which have sufficient proof and evidence and not scientific theories based on assumptions. Using the ultimate yardstick of the atheist, I am trying to prove to him that the Qur’an is the word of God and it contains the scientific knowledge which is his yardstick which was discovered recently, while the Qur’an was revealed 1400 year ago. At the end of the discussion, we both come to the same conclusion that God though superior to science, is not incompatible with it.


Francis Bacon, the famous philosopher, has rightly said that a little knowledge of science makes man an atheist, but an in-depth study of science makes him a believer in God. Scientists today are eliminating models of God, but they are not eliminating God. If you translate this into Arabic, it is La illaha illal la, There is no god, (god with a small ‘g’ that is fake god) but God (with a capital ‘G’).

Surah Fussilat:

"Soon We will show them our signs in the (farthest) regions (of the earth), and in their own souls, until it becomes manifest to them that this is the Truth. Is it not enough that thy Lord doth witness all things?"

[Al-Quran 41:53]

THE SPIRIT OF ZAKAT By Dr Aboobakar Thwahir

Zakat is the most powerful tool for social justice and poverty alleviation. Islam had it compulsory on all Muslims who have balance of money in cash or kind after one year and after all expenditures are met. Ramadan is the best month for taking stock of the wealth and distribute amongst the deserving people as prescribed in the Qur’aan:

"By no means shall you attain goodness (piety, righteousness and paradise) unless you spend (in the cause of Allah) of which you love; and whatever good you spend, Allah knows it well". (3:92)

"Take (give out) alms from their wealth in order to purify them and sanctify them with it…" (9:103)

"O, you who believe! Spend of that with which We have provided for you, before a Day comes when there will be no bargaining, nor friendship, not intercession. And is the disbelievers, who are wrong doers" (2:254)

"And there are those who hoard gold and silver, and do not spend it in the way of Allah, announce to them a most grievous penalty (when) on the day of Qiyamath heat will be produced out of that wealth in the fire of jahannam, then with it they will be branded on their foreheads and their flanks and backs. (It will be aid to them) This is the treasure which you hoarded for yourselves, taste then the treasure that you had been hoarding" (9:34)

"This is the book (Al Quran) whereof there is no doubt, a guidance to those who are Al Muttaqoon (pious and righteous persons who fear Allah much (abstain from all kinds of sins and evil deds which He has forbidden) and love Allah much (perform all kinds of good deeds which He has ordained), who believe in the gaib (unseen) and perform salah (iqamat salah) and spend out of what we have provided for them (give zakat, spend on themselves, their parents, wife and children and also give charity to the poor and also in the cause of Islam) (2:3-4)

Prophet Muhammad (SAWA) said "Invite the people to testify that Lalilaha illah (none has the right to be worshipped but allah) and I am Allah’s Messenger if if they obey you to do so (Islamic monotheism), then inform them that Allah has enjoined on them five slat (prayers) in every day and night (in 24 hours) and if they obey you to do so, then inform them that Allah has made it obligatory for them to pay the sadaqat (zakat) form their properties and it is to be taken form the wealthy among them and given to them poor among them" ( Bukhari: 702) "Pay the zakat so that your Islam becomes complete" "Every ummah (nation) has a test to undergo, my ummah will be tried through wealth". " In order to enter praradise, you should worship Allah (alone and none else( and do not ascribe any partners to Him, offer iqmat-as-salat pay the zakat and keep good relations your kith and kin " (Bukhari :703) "Allah will bring about a drought on the nation that does not give zakat"."The person on whom Allah bestowed wealth, and the does not give zakat, his wealth will be turned into a venomous bald serpent on the day of Qiyamah, which will wind around his neck and bite his jaws and say : "I am your wealth, I am your treasure"."Good news to the man who earns his wealth and spends for feeding the poor and need and commits no sins". "Be afraid of the curse of the oppressed because there is no screen between his invocation and Allah."

Allah (swt) has provided due food and shelter for all His creations. But he wanted to test the man and therefore He gave more provisions to some people compared to others. In fact He has made it available for all the human beings and other creatures but due to callousness of men, he does not share his wealth with others. Man is responsible for his own destruction. Allah (swt) says " And no living creature is on earth but its provision is due from Allah. And He knows its dwelling place and its deposits (grave or womb) all is in a Clear Book (Lauhul mahfooz – the book of decrees with Allah) (

Sunday 12 July 2015

Benefits of Reciting and Memorizing Surah Yaseen

Quran is the greatest marvel and blessing of Allah Almighty, which He has bestowed upon mankind. In this Book, a person can find solution to any problem and answer to all the questions provided that a person views and analyzes it objectively. It carries numerous intellectual, political, social, moral and guidelines related to every aspect of life for a non-believer, however, for a believer it contains greater promises .
For a believer there is reward against each word of Quran that is recited. This recitation of The Holy Quran in addition to adding religious reward also influences on the life of a person in numerous ways. Moreover, besides the general text of Quran, there are special and more reverend chapters compared to others. One of such parts of Quran is the Surah Yaseen.
Daily Recite Surah e Yaseen
Surah Yaseen is one of the most reverend Surah of Quran and Muslims all over the world memorize it, recite it, and listen to its recitation with great respect and sanctity. There is a reason behind the greater prestige of Surah Yaseen as it is mentioned by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in His various hadiths entailing numerous benefits of its recitation. The lines below discuss the major benefits of reciting Surah Yaseen.
1. The Heart Of Quran:
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said in one of His hadiths in the following way:
“Surely everything has a heart, and the heart of the Quran is Yaseen. I would love that it be in the heart of every person of my people.” (Tafsir-al- Sabuni Vol.2)
From this hadith of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) it becomes clear that like all other things that have a heart, Quran also has a heart and it is Sura Yasin. From this a person can only guess the importance of Yaseen, as if a single word from Quran carries great reward then the heart is surely to reward more and greater than that. Moreover, the other thing that becomes clear from this hadith is the fact that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) showed His likeness for the memorization or remembrance of Yaseen by His followers.
2. Grand Reward:
Another great advantage or benefit of reciting Sura Yaseen is mentioned in the following hadith of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH):
“Whoever recites Yaseen once, Allah will record the reward of reciting the Quran ten times.” (Tirmidhi 2812/A)
This hadith does not require any explanation as it is clear from it that reading Yaseen once is equivalent to reciting of Quran ten times. Therefore, all the more reasons for a Muslim to memorize Surah Yaseen so that it can be read couple of times in a day to get grand rewards the worth of which is even beyond human comprehension.
3. Intercession:
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:
“Indeed in the Noble Quran there is a Surah, for its reading will intercede and will be a means of forgiveness for listener. Listen carefully, it is Surah Yaseen, in the Torah it is called Muimmah.”
It was enquired, “O’ Messenger of Allah, what is Muimmah?”
Prophet (PBUH) replied:
“It contains for its reader the benefits of this world, it removes from him the dread of the next life, and it is called Dafiah and Qadhiyah.”
It was asked again, “How is this Surah Dafiah and Qadiyah?”
Prophet (PBUH) replied:
“It takes away from its reader all afflictions and fulfills his need. Whoever recites it, it will be made equal to twenty pilgrimages. Whoever shall listen to it, it will be as thousand dinars, which he has given as charity in the path of Allah. And whoever shall write it and then drink it, it will enter into his heart a thousand cures, a thousand radiant lights, a thousand times more increase in belief, a thousand mercies, a thousand blessings, a thousand times more increase in guidance, and will remove from him all gall and disease.”  (Tirmidhi)
This hadith of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) explains the magnanimous and diverse range of benefits it carries. Moreover, the intercessional benefits of it are not limited to the person who recites it only, rather the benefits also take into consideration the person who listens to it and who uses Surah Yaseen in the unconventional way of writing it and drinking it. Therefore, no matter in whichever way Surah Yaseen is interacted with, it results in opening the doors of countless blessings and benefits for a believer.
4. For The Dying Person:
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said in one of His hadiths:
“Recite Yaseen on those who are dying.” (Dawud)
From this hadith it becomes clear that Surah Yaseen is a recommendation pertaining to attending of a dying person. A person who is dying needs comfort and some kind of spiritual help to pass on to the next world with ease, therefore, at such a time if there is the Heart of Quran being recited, it surely helps the dying person and brings ease and peace to the excruciating process.
5. Forgiveness:
Regarding the forgiveness benefits of Surah Yaseen, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said the following:
“Whoever recites Surah Yaseen at night seeking the pleasure of Allah, that night he will be forgiven.” (Abu Nuaym)
This hadith also makes it clear that  if Surah Yaseen is recited with true and pure intentions of pleasing Allah Almighty, then the ultimate result is the person who recites it during the night will wake up free of sin the next morning. Therefore, if a believer ensures reciting Surah Yaseen before going to sleep and thinks in his heart and mind that it is done for the pleasure of Allah Almighty, then he or she should remain confident that their sins will be forgiven while they are asleep.
Bottom Line:
In a nutshell, Surah Yaseen is undoubtedly one of the most reverend, prestigious and benefits bringing Surahs of Quran. Therefore, if a Muslim wishes to attain benefits of all kinds from Quran recitation, then it is imperative that he or she makes recitation of Surah Yaseen a part of everyday life. In this regard memorization of Surah Yaeen can help a great deal with regards to its recitation.
- See more at: http://www.quranreading.com/blog/rewards-and-benefits-of-recitingmemorizing-surah-yaseen/#sthash.Gw9D8hPC.dpuf