Islamic Topics

Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Medina: Saudis take a bulldozer to Islam's history

Now this is an issue where all Muslims must raise their voice -- firmly, decently and passionately. We are personal witness to this greatest tragedy of Muslim history that almost entire heritage of precious history has already been demolished or being demolished in the name of expansion or false notion of "Shirk"! 

The seven masjids of Sahabas at the site of Ghazwa e Khandaq which were standing for 1400 years are being destroyed to make place for parking lots!! Houses of Sah
abas, water wells of Rasul Allah (sm) have been destroyed already. The house where Rasul Allah (sm) was born is about to be destroyed. Saffa and Marwa which are signs of Allah mentioned in Quran since the time of Hazrat Ubrahim have been destroyed and Saffa hill has been sealed and closed for access to Muslims. Thousands of precious historical sites have been destroyed, sealed and bulldozed. The entire 1400 years of Muslim history is now destroyed or being destroyed. 

Now there are plans to expand Masjid e Nabwi in such a manner that expansion will be in all directions destroying the remaining precious Masjids which are standing for 1400 years!! Expansion does NOT mean destroying the sacred history, masjids and structures related to Rasul Allah (sm)!!! These buildings and Masjids belong to the entire Ummah and Saudi government has no right to destroy them unilateral in the name of expansion. 

Write to Saudi Embassies all over the world. Find their addresses from websites or write directly to Saudi King and Foreign Minister and ask scholars in your areas to speak against this destruction in Juma Khutbas. This is NOT a sectarian issue but the issue of our history, faith, Imaan and love for our ancestors and their great achievements. 

When we went to Saudi Arabia last year, had seen this destruction and were deeply hurt. Now Saudi government plans to destroy the last remains also. This is too painful to stay silent. Raise your voice and spread this globally to force the Saudis to protect our precious history.

By Syed Zaid Hamid

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