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Friday, 12 October 2012

Six Major Hadith Book

Six Major Hadith Book

Six Major Hadith Book
Saheeh al-Bukhari

Book this hadith compiled by Imam Bukhari that the book's full name is al-Jami al-Musnad as-Saheeh al-Muktasar min Age Sallahu Messenger of Allaah be upon wa Sunanihi. The Book of Hadith number one is somewhat superior because of the traditions contained in it continued on its isnaad came to the Prophet Muhammad. Because quality-tested his Hadith, Imam az-Zahabi said, the book written by Imam Bukhari Hadith is a highly valuable book.
With great persistence and enthusiasm, Imam Bukhari spent her age to write Saheeh al-Bukhari. Imam Bukhari is deeply concerned by the number of books of hadith of the time that mixing hadith saheeh, hasan, da'eef without distinguishing tradition received as argument (Maqbul) and hadith are rejected as an argument (Mardud).
Imam Bukhari, the more enterprising collecting, writing, and recorded the hadith because at that time the false hadith circulating widely. For 15 years, Imam Bukhari traveled from one country to another to meet the teachers and narrated hadith from them.
In searching for the truth of a hadith, Imam Bukhari will meet periwayatnya wherever he was, so he really believe the truth. He was very strict in a hadith narrated. Imam Bukhari also ensure that the hadith was narrated by people who are fair and robust memory and memory. Not enough, Imam Bukhari also will always ensure that between teachers and pupils actually met.
According to Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani, the book contains 7397 Hadith Hadith, including a re-written. Imam Bukhari memorized 600,000 hadiths. He memorized than 90,000 hadith narrators. Hadith is divided into chapters consisting of creed, akhlah, legal, ethical eating and drinking, admirable and despicable acts, chronicle, and life history of Prophet Muhammad.

Saheeh Muslim

According to Imam Nawawi, Sahih Muslim contains 7275 Hadith, including re-written tradition. In contrast to Imam Bukhari, Imam Muslim hadith just memorize 300 000. Imam Muslim believes, all the hadith that stated in the formulation of the book is authentic, either from the side chains and Matan. As Sahih Bukhari, Book was compiled on the basis of systematics fiqh with the same topic.
Muslim Imam was moved to collect, write and record the hadith, because in those days the pagans, experts and the story of trying to deceive the people with the Sufi traditions of their own. No wonder, if at that time Muslims puzzled to assess where the tradition actually comes from the Prophet Muhammad.

Sunan Abu Dawud
This book contains 5274 traditions, including traditions listed in the book it is legal traditions. Among the priests of his book into the pole as-Sitta, Abu Dawud is a priest of the most Fakih.
Therefore, Sunan Abu Dawud known as Hadith books of law. The scholars of hadith and jurisprudence recognizes that a mujtahid is referring to the books of Hadith and Quran. Apparently, Abu Dawud receive Hadith of Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim. Unlike the books of Hadith compiled by both his teacher, Sunan Abu Dawud contain hasan hadith and weak hadith. The Book of Hadith is also much disyarah by the scholars of hadith before.

Sunan at-Tirmidhi
The book is also known by the name Jami'at at-Tirmidhi. The work of Imam at-Tirmidhi Hadith 3595 contain, consist of hadith shahoh, hasan, and a weak hadith. In fact, according to Ibn al-Jaujiyah Qayim, in the book that there are 30 false hadith. But opinion was disputed by Abu Syuhbah.

Sunan an-Nasa'i
The book is also known as the Sunan al-Mujtaba. An-Nasa'i compile the book after selecting the traditions listed in the book of Sunan al-Kubra who still mixing hadith saheeh, hasan and a weak hadith. Sunan an-Nasa'i contains 5671 Hadith, which according to him is saheeh hadiths.
In this book, Hadith da'eef fairly little so that there are some scholars who believe that the book was better than Sunan at-Tirmidhi and Sunan Abi Dawud.

Sunan Ibn Majah

This book contains 4131 hadiths. A total of 3002 of which there are al-Hadith al-khasah cutaneous and 1339 other hadith is the hadith narrated by Ibn Majah. Initially, the scholars did not incorporate this tradition into the ranks of the pole as-Sitta because in it are still mixed Hadith Shahi, hasan, and a weak hadith. The first hadith expert who entered the book of this tradition into the ranks of the six major hadith are al-Hafiz Abu al-fadal Thahir bin Muhammad al-Maqdisi.

1 comment:

  1. Forever great books. Muslims should follow these books not other fake books. free Hadith Books
